To work the stem stitch bring the thread to the front at the left edge of your drawn line. With the thread below your needle, take the needle to the back about ¼ inch to the right and re-emerge at the point where your thread began.
Pull the thread through. Repeat and continue along the line, keeping the tension even and the stitches the same length. Stitches that are close together make a tight line, ones that are farther away make a looser line.
When you come to the end of the line, take the thread to the back for the last stitch but don’t re-emerge. Secure the thread with tiny back stitches or weave it back through the line before clipping any excess thread. On both of these stitches you’ll see an even row of backstitch on the wrong side of the material.
And this is how it looks when finished:
For the outline stitch, do the same thing but keep the thread above the needle.
This is how it looks when finished:
Some worked examples:
Did you know that stem stitch is used extensively in redwork embroidery?
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
hi everybody
just signed up and wanted to say hello while I read through the posts
hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.
i know that this comment is really a long time after the post was made.....that rock-a-bye baby is really grandmum and it embroidered it on a pillow cover for me....and i am 31 mum says that she had them for ages.......she has a lot more...wee-willy winky, humpty dumpty and a lot more nursery rhymes....they are in a really frail condition tho
I'm a beginner, working on a felt Christmas stocking. I can manage the outline stitch on a straight line, or even a curve, but cannot reverse directions. I am trying to use the outline stitch on a line that is scalloped, and cannot figure out how to go in the opposite direction. Any help would be appreciated.
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