Sandro found these vintage trims while thrifting and asked if I could turn them into charted patterns to share with my Stitch School readers. Of course!
The original trims are embroidered on white linen that's been hemmed top and bottom. I'd probably embroider them directly on a finished item rather than on something that needs to be attached. But, that will depend on your project. The flowers would be cute for a little girl's dress; the cherries for an apron, tea towel, or how about a row along the bottom of curtains in a cherry-themed kitchen?
(Click through for a larger version)
The only change I made is to add a few yellow crosses in the center of the flower—it seemed to need something there but you can leave it out if you like. Done in a medium purple-blue colored floss, they look very much like a flower we call periwinkle or vinca. Use whatever colors you like. Try brown centers with a yellow flower (like black-eyed Susans).
(Click through for a larger version)
Thanks Sandro for sharing your treasures. If anyone else has a vintage hand-embroidered item they'd like to share, let me know. I'd be happy to convert it for you. And I'm always happy to post photos of your finished embroidery projects as inspiration for others. Let's spread the embroidery love!
and if ever you want other patterns, you can come and have a look at my blog : almost 50 free patterns, and also plenty of mini SAL + bonus patterns !! ;)
pls feel free to come and ask : it will be with a great pleasure that I'll help !! ;)
Hélène xox
thank you so very much! to both of you!
Thank you! I was looking for something different to put on gifts and these are perfect :D.
just came across your site by blog love from inspire co. AND what a find you are! thanks so much for sharing your expertise...
us newbies appreciate it! ;)
Hi Janet
Just discovered you after googling woven filling stitch. Great stitch library - I've linked to you from my website.
I want to thank you for sharing those free patterns. I am going to put those patterns in my work. It is almost finish but I think it is going to look best if I put those patterns in the sides.
beautiful embroidery and nice way of depiction through draft :) one can easily try this out:)
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